Trending products
Not your average trade account

Trade Discount
We know price is always important. That's why we're committed to offer the best trade discounts available.
Personal Consultant
As a trade client we'll match you with a lighting consultant whom you can contact directly.
Free Lighting Design
Let us take some of the stress out of your day with 2 hours complimentary design support per month.
Pricematch Guarantee
Rest easy in the knowledge you've the best price. We'll beat or match any price up to 7 days after purchase.
Sourcing Service
Ever seen a light that you wanted for your project but couldn't identify or source it? Just ask us.
Catalogue Library
As a trade member you will get access to our constantly updated and maintained library of catalogues and pricelists.
Trade Discount
We know price is always important. That's why we're committed to offer the best trade discounts available.
Personal Consultant
As a trade client we'll match you with a lighting consultant whom you can contact directly.
Free Lighting Design
Let us take some of the stress out of your day with 2 hours complimentary design support per month.

Pricematch Guarantee
Rest easy in the knowledge you've the best price. We'll beat or match any price up to 7 days after purchase.
Sourcing Service
Ever seen a light that you wanted for your project but couldn't identify or source it? Just ask us.
Catalogue Library
As a trade member you will get access to our constantly updated and maintained library of catalogues and pricelists.